Blog | Leah Itsines

My Top 7 Power Bowl Recipes
My Top 7 Power Bowl Recipes
Hey lovely ladies, I absolutely love a good power bowl, they're super quick and easy.. Not to mention healthy too! Below are my favourite power bowls that you can make for dinner or lunch this week! Asian Power Bowl Packed with salmon, soba noodles, veggies and edamame beans, this asian salmon power bowl recipe has everything you need for a super healthy and easy lunch that will fuel you through the day. Greek Chicken Power Bowl In 30 minutes you can cook this easy, healthy & tasty Greek Chicken Bowl! This recipe comes from my soul.....HAHA! My greek heritage is shining through on this - and its probably my FAVOURITE thing to have for a quick lunch! It's kind of like a Buddha Bowl but packed with Mediterranean flavours, oregano & paprika chicken, couscous, olives, greek salad, and of course, tzatziki!! Vegan Burrito Bowl ITS HERE! 🌟The best #vegan Buritto bowl you'll ever see....ESPECIALLY WITH THE GARLIC FLAVOURED HUMMUS (whhhhutt!!) from Obela!  This bowl is seriously un-real and perfect for a quick and simple dinner...but also PACKS a punch with flavour! Peri Peri Chicken Bowl This Peri Peri Chicken Bowl is the BEST! It's such easy, healthy and super delicious meal that you can in 30 minutes. Simply, marinate your chicken breast in my tasty peri peri marinade, bake and serve with sweet corn and rice. You won't find a bette recipe for dinner or lunch. Tuna Poke Bowl I have always loved poke bowls, but there sometimes on the expensive side! but....never fear....the canned tuna has come to the rescue! This recipe was brought to you by Sirena Tuna.  Chicken Teriyaki Bowl These Chicken Teriyaki Bowls are super delicious! I love this recipe. It's such a yummy yet still incredibly healthy & easy dinner, lunch or meal prep idea. Plus, this chicken recipe is also super kid friendly & an amazing meal that the whole family can enjoy. Mexican Spiced Grain Bowl  I LOVE POWER BOWLS! Instead of rice, I swapped for Macro Australian Bulgar Wheat, only at @woolworths_au which is a source of fibre and protein! The best thing is....all you need to do is soak it in boiling water for 10 minutes and no water ratios need to be guessed here haha!! This recipe is perfect for a dinner party because you can prep all the ingredients (plus more!) and everyone can choose to make their own bowls, meaning EVERYONE is happy (including the kiddos!). If you wanted, you could add some chickpeas, shredded chicken or some cooked beef strips!  
My Top 12 Meal Prep Sunday Tips
My Top 12 Meal Prep Sunday Tips
 Are you sick and tired of spending endless time in the kitchen each night? Now you don't have to.. With these meal prep tips and tricks you'll be more organised than ever and spending less time each week in the kitchen! 1. First and foremost, I recommend using one of my example meal planners OR plan out your meals for the week using my blank BARE Guide weekly planner templates. This allows you to clearly see which recipes you need to shop and meal prep for. Tip: I recommend meal prepping for three days at a time. For example, I’ll meal prep my Monday - Wednesday meals on a Sunday. 2. Next up, fill in your shopping list. I also recommend checking your pantry staples at this point and adding anything that needs restocking to your shopping list. 3. After you’ve gone shopping, it’s time to get your kitchen ready for cooking. Make sure your surfaces are clean and your equipment is on hand, including knives, pans and measuring utensils. 4. Ensure you have a couple of tea towels nearby, as well as the bin, so you can clean as you go – there’s nothing worse than a messy kitchen! (This is me trying to pretend I’m a clean cook...I’m not! My kitchen is always a mess, haha!) Also, where you can try and use a recycling/ compost bin. 5. Get out all your ingredients, including seasonings, and group them together for each recipe. 6. Put on a podcast, music or even your favourite movie. Whatever you need to enjoy the next hour or so. My favourite is Dr. Phil or Judge Judy! 7. Now it’s time to start cooking. I recommend starting with your meats/proteins or anything that needs marinating or cooking in the oven. While you wait for these ingredients to marinate or cook, you can use the time to get started with other ingredients. 8. Next, I focus on cooking my grains! For example, I’ll start cooking my rice, quinoa, or pasta now. This will make your assembly process quick and easy at the end. 9. While I’m waiting for my meats and grains to cook, I’ll start on the quick and easy recipes. These are typically your snacks or breakfasts! As these foods are usually really simple, quick and easy they allow you to feel a sense of achievement to finish off your meal prep. 10. Next, I focus on any additional ingredients I need to prepare. For example, vegetables because these won’t take long to cook! 11. Next, I’ll assemble all of my meals together! Make sure to let them sit to cool before covering with a lid and place in the fridge/freezer. 12. Lastly, clean your kitchen..(worst part haha)! I hope this method helps minimise your time in the kitchen and allows you to efficiently meal prep each week! Leah xx
My Top 5 Tips For Starting Your Day Off Right!
My Top 5 Tips For Starting Your Day Off Right!
Are you sick of feeling sluggish when your wake up? Or simply dreading the day ahead when you wake up? Those days are gone!! As you may have seen on social media lately.. I have a new morning routine and it's honestly made ME soo much happier and efficient throughout the day, I wish I had done these 5 things earlier! Here are 5 things I do before I start my working day that are really helping me right now. Prepare the night before For me it all starts the night before, I love getting my workout outfit, shoes, drink bottle and everything I'll need to take with me, prepared the night before. I put everything on my bedside table so I go to bed motivated and ready to conquer tomorrow. PS.. As a kid I used to sleep in my school clothes so I wouldn't have to get changed in the morning.. Maybe this is a little too far haha, but being organised here will help you beyond belief. Wake up early As you may have seen lately, I am in my 4th consecutive week of waking up at 5AM 6 days a week, yes.. Your read that right, 5AM!! For some reason I find it easier to get up at 5AM rather than 6 or 7, plus this gives me enough time to get a nice workout in before breakfast and work! Many of you have been asking what time I go to bed to wake up this early and honestly I fall asleep between 9pm - 10pm each night and I absolutely love it. When I get up early, I feel like I have SO MUCH TIME during the day because all the things like cardio, workout, stretch, breakfast etc that you'd do in a rush are already done, night time activities are endless!  My two tips on getting up early...Be consistent! - It gets easier, I promise! After 3-4 days of it, you spring out of bed (or like me....slidee.....) but your body starts to get used to it! Move your alarm out of reach! - This is literally what I had to do to start. I set my alarm and put my phone on the ground out of reach so I HAD to get up, and it set it conveniently next to my workout gear! No excuses once your gear is staring at you haha!  Avoid Technology - Stay off your phone This is a funny one.. but let me explain it to you so it makes more sense! If you're someone like me who is super reactive to any notification, email, text OR anything on your phone.. I find it best to keep away from my phone in the morning at least until I'm back from my workout. This helps me be LESS reactive towards emails/work and more proactive towards ME TIME which is the BEST part of my morning routine. This lets me workout in peace and actually get in a sweaty intense workout, without distractions! If you haven't done this.. Try it, it's actually quite a peaceful, nice thing!  Workout / get out bed and get moving For me, I don't like workout after work or at night.. So I need to get up early and smash out a good workout, so I can set myself up for the day ahead. I find if I'm up early, sweating and working out it makes my day so much easier and it also makes me feel so AWAKE. I've heard many people say get the hardest part of your day out the way first, so the rest of your day is EASY! This definitely applies for that morning workout because if you can smash that.. The rest of your day is nothing!!If you're not a morning work out person, thats fine too! Maybe wake up early, have a shower, walk (if possible) to a local coffee shop, have breakfast and start your day that way!  Enjoy a delicious breakfast and get ready to conquer the day ahead!  Lastly... BREAKFAST!! I love getting home by 7am and sitting down with Mitch for a quick BARE breakfast before work! It's super important for me to fuel my body for the day ahead, especially after a huge workout. For me, I get to sit with Mitch and talk about work/the day ahead, eat good delicious food and of course sip on my well deserved coffee.. So I love it! I hope these tips help you.. I'm really enjoying my morning routine lately and above are all of the tips I have implemented over the past month, which are really working for me.If you'd like to see anything else, let me know! Leah xx
6 Easy Dessert Recipes That Are Actually Healthy
6 Easy Dessert Recipes That Are Actually Healthy
Now I believe in balance and the importance of enjoying ALL foods but... ...let's face it, sometimes you just want to enjoy a dessert or sweet treat after dinner without the sugar crash. I love creating recipes that indulge your tastebuds but nourish your body! Dessert doesn't have to equal a sugar overload, it can easily be packed with goodness, which is why I wanted to share with you these 6 easy desserts that are actually healthy. Enjoy! 1. Mango Cheesecake This cheesecake is rich and creamy but yet so light and refreshing. Plus! This is not just any's a raw vegan cheesecake. I LOVE how easy it is to make to because all you're doing is blending and freezing, which means there's ZERO risk of burning or over cooking it. It's basically idiot proof haha      2. Salted Caramel Smoothie If you're craving a milkshake or are one of those people who loves dessert breakfast, then whip up this sweet delight! It's tastes AMAZING and will load you up with energy. You feel like you're on a sugar high but without the crash. This super tasty community recipe is by the beautiful @danisobbi!!     3. Chocolate Protein Lava Cake These Choc-Protein Lava Cakes are an absolute MUST-HAVE dessert. SUPER easy to make! They take less than 5 minutes in the oven and are actually a protein recipe well worth eating for dessert! These almost taste to indulgent and too good to be true. It's basically a food mind game you just have to try.     4. Mango Popsicles  MANGO POPSICLES! I absolutely love having these by the pool in summer!  These are a super simple healthy and refreshing snack. They'll keep you keep you cool in that super hot heat and can be easily kept in your freezer for whenever you need them.     5. Apple and Granola Crumble Oh I just love a good crumble and this Apple and Granola Crumble is the BOMB! The crunchy topping with the sweet and soft filling makes a heaven like combination. This dessert is warming and nourishing but also gluten and refined sugar free! You'd never guess! (It tastes that good)     6. Banana and Raspberry Muffins These muffins are packed full with the good stuff but you'd never know it because they are the ultimate snack or dessert for anyone with a sweet tooth. There's zero gluten or refined sugar so you can just enjoy! My tip is to make a whole a big batch so you can enjoy this healthy treat for the rest of the week...if they last that long.       Try a recipe or two this week and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing your feedback! Be sure to also share your creations with me on Instagram so I can like, comment and share! Use the tag @leahitsines and hashtag #leahitsines to reach out. Leah x
BARE Guide Transformations & Their Stories
BARE Guide Transformations & Their Stories
STEPHANIE - @STEFITTIE "Haven’t done a progress photo in so so long and decided to compare a picture of me now to an old pic of me and wow!! 😭 this actually made me cry! I am so proud of myself 🙈. This journey has been so stressful, a lot of ups and downs, but shifting my mindset with the way I eat has helped me A LOT!!!My recent eating habits have helped me tremendously. I used to be the kind of girl who turned cheat meals into cheat days, cheat days into cheat weeks.. etc. I would say “eh well I already ate not the best so I’ll just start again on Monday”. I AM SO HAPPY I DON'T THINK LIKE THAT ANYMORE!I have been using Leah Itsines' Balanced And Realistic Eating Guide @bareguide for my meals because it’s exactly what it stands for! I literally eat all my favourite foods and don’t crave cheat meals/days/weeks! This is such a huge step for me because I have always struggled with eating! 😭💙.Thank you so much Leah for creating one of the best guides I have ever seen & the most supportive community 😭💙 I LOVE YOU!To stay active and keep my body moving, I have been making sure I hit 10K steps at work, go to kickboxing 3 times a week, and I lift 2-3 times a week 💜 Honestly, this makes my heart melt.. I am so proud of Stef and hope this message motivates and inspires you to kickstart your own healthy eating journey! Tess Robin  Something I love about my BARE Guide is being able to help women all over the world. While some of our goals might be different (weight loss, weight gain, maintenance) we also have many goals that are similar, one of which is to learn how to eat healthy, for life and actually FEEL HEALTHY. This transformation story I'm sharing with you today is about how Tess Robin stopped focusing on a certain goal (weight - loss) and started focusing on how she actually FELT! "LEFT: at the end of another flare-up from my Ulcerative Colitis which took about 3 months on an off.  RIGHT: In remission. Recent picture of me feeling the healthiest I’ve EVER felt in my life!! Trust me that’s a HUGE thing for me. If you’ve followed me since the beginning, then you know my one and only goal is to FEEL HEALTHY. Not to lose a certain amount of weight etc.My journey started in 2015 after being diagnosed with an autoimmunes disease. Over the years, through researching, trial and error, exercising with #bbg and #pwr, a LOT of physical therapy for my weak joints, I have come such a long way with achieving my goals.BUT I never (really) gave my relationship with food an actual change. Since I can remember I have had a terrible, negative relationship with food. Not because of weight issues or appearance but I just didn’t like eating or the fulfilled feeling. I did like binging on potato chips every night though.. When @leahitsines asked me to try out her BARE Guide I knew I couldn't say no! I mean, it’s Leah!! But also the concept and flexibility really spoke to me. As well as the message behind it; Balanced And Realistic Eating🌱. Which was exactly what I was looking for, I just didn’t know how..I started eating from the BARE Guide in February (left pic) right at the end of my flare-up and it was literally the best gift for my health! I haven’t seen a hospital since. I bounce back more easily after stressfull times, I have less migraine episodes, less bloating and less stomach issues from my UC! I have learned more on what my intolerances are and I have way more energy. Also looking back now, my relationship with food has became so much better!In short, if you want to choose health, energy, peace of mind, but also burgers and pizza 🙈 over measuring every bite or feeling drained and low in energy, I suggest to join the #barecommunity and change your life! Just like I did ❤️THANK YOU @leahitsines for changing my life! 💕 Laura - @balancedbylaura I look at my lifestyle as healthy because I exercise regularly and I eat pretty much most foods all in moderation - no cheat meals or cheat days anymore for me 🙌🏽 I love the relationship I have with food and there is no “bad food” in my mind ✅  I take these photos to see the physical changes my body goes through and to look back on 💪🏽 MARCH 2019 > MAY 2019 I can see the physical changes in these comparison photos and also in my clothes that feel different on me.. my mindset towards food (and exercise) has changed significantly this year and I am loving the @bareguide which has helped me get my eating back on track 👊🏽 I eat the right portion sizes and know more about food all thanks to @leahitsines for creating such a creative and delicious guide that is easy to stick to and enjoy 💫 I am currently doing her #bare12wc For exercise.. As you guys know, I follow #BBG by Kayla Itsines and have for a few years now, with also adding in my own lunch time hikes or own gym workouts but it’s thanks to Kayla I am where I am today with my exercise routine that I still love  Honestly, this makes me so happy and I am so proud of Laura! I can't wait to see how the rest of her #bare12wc challenge goes.
5 Winter Recipes I'm Loving Right Now
5 Winter Recipes I'm Loving Right Now
With cooler weather well and truly upon us, I've been trying to stay extra warm with delicious, warm, wintery meals! Today I'm going to share with you my "5 Winter Recipes I'm Loving Right Now" so hopefully you too can stay warm throughout this winter. Quick Chicken Noodle Soup Are you needing a winter warmer? Or need an immunity boost to fight off a cold?This soup is going to be your JAM! This Quick Chicken Noodle Soup recipe is nothing short of amazing! It's a great kid friendly dinner idea that the whole family can enjoy it together. Brb while I go live off this soup.. Remedy Pumpkin Soup This easy and healthy pumpkin soup is so nourishing and so delicious. There's no cream in this one, instead I've made this pumpkin soup with coconut cream but you could also use coconut milk. The coconut makes this a great easy dinner recipe for vegans but I know everyone will love it.  Pasta With Kale Pesto This recipe is super easy to make. Pesto is super versatile and can last in the fridge for weeks at a time! This pesto recipe makes around a cup od pesto (so you have left overs!) and this can be put in the fridge to use as salad dressings, toast toppers or even to have as part of a dip platter!  Chicken, Mushroom and Asparagus Pie This Easy Chicken and Mushroom Pie is my new favourite! So quick, simple and healthy but super delicious. I wanted to give my bare guide community a new recipe and also those who are on the fence....a taste of what you're missing out on hehe!  This fits into model 1 of the Bare Guide!  It's a super cheap dinner idea and great way to use up leftover roast chicken. This is a great recipe for the kids and the whole family you enjoy. Yiayia's One Pot Squid and Rice SQUID & RICE! This is straight from the hands of my yiayia! This recipe was originally yiayia's famous "stuffed squid" where she would stuff tiny little squid tubes with the rice and tomato mixture, but it took almost 2 hours of active work before you even started to cook! The stuffed squid was almost like a "treat" dinner at yiayia’s, because it would take forever to make. I really loved it and wanted it to be more of a weekly meal (and a forever recipe I can make for my family in years to come), but I couldn't spend 2-3 hours at night cooking it! I hope you loved this blog guys.. and most importantly I hope it helps you keep WARM throughout the winter! Let me know what else you'd like to see here :)Leah xx
6 Of My Favourite 30-Minute Or Less Dinner Recipes
6 Of My Favourite 30-Minute Or Less Dinner Recipes
We all know I love a good dinner recipe, so why not create dinner recipes that don't keep you in the kitchen for any longer than 30 minutes.. It's a win/win right?! Below are My Top 6 20-Minute Or Less Dinner Recipes.. You can thank me later! Mango Chicken Stir-fry I LOVE that I can have this amazing, hearty, winter warming meal when it's super cold outside! A super delicious dinner that won't keep you in the kitchen for long! If you're looking for a new stir-fry.. This one is for you! Yiayia's One Pot Squid And Rice SQUID & RICE! This is straight from the hands of my yiayia! This recipe was originally yiayia's famous "stuffed squid" where she would stuff tiny little squid tubes with the rice and tomato mixture, but it took almost 2 hours of active work before you even started to cook! The stuffed squid was almost like a "treat" dinner at yiayia’s, because it would take forever to make. I really loved it and wanted it to be more of a weekly meal (and a forever recipe I can make for my family in years to come), but I couldn't spend 2-3 hours at night cooking it! I asked yiayia if there was ANY way we could keep the love/flavours but make it easier (the love is SO important!)... so we created a way that it's just as delicious, but now it's 30 minutes max, one pan and the most delicious, hearty and fancy dinner ever (but it won't break the bank either!).  Thai Chicken Burgers I mean who doesn't like burgers?! These delicious chicken burgers that will leave your family wanting more!  Miso Salmon Salmon is hands down my go-to dinner choice and this miso marinade takes it to the next level. Whether you're cooking for two or the whole family, this is a super quick recipe that you can easily cook in 30 minutes! Pair it with my brown rice salad or meal prep it some steamed rice and broccoli for an easy work lunch.  Greek Beans and Potatoes (Fasolakia) This is another one from my yiayia! It's a traditional greek dish, best served on its own with a sprinkle of feta (My favourite!!) Some people say Fasolikia and others say Fasolia but either way this easy greek bean and potato recipe is super delicious. It's the perfect quick dinner idea and is also an amazing leftover for work lunches. Plus, it's healthy! YAY! Honey Mustard Chicken Bowls If you want to know how to make easy honey mustard chicken then look no further! I absolutely LOVE serving chicken breast with honey mustard sauce, broccoli and rice. It's so quick and healthy and the perfect dinner for two or the whole family! Your kids are going to love it. I hope you enjoyed this blog post guys, if there's anything else you'd like to see.. Please let me know!Leah xx
My Tips To Making Your Eating Habits Healthier!
My Tips To Making Your Eating Habits Healthier!
Being 'healthy' or trying to 'lose-weight' doesn't come easily to everyone, it takes hard work, dedication and conscious decisions each and everyday to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, healthy eating doesn't have to be all that hard, instead I much prefer it's flexible and sustainable over time.. Something that supports YOU and YOUR lifestyle! Below are my tips on how you can help make your lifestyle easier and healthier overall. Plan & Meal Prep Planning out your weeks in advance and meal prepping ingredients, portions or even your entire meals for the week ahead can save you a lot of time throughout the week. For me, this is a no brainer, having my meals organised takes a lot of the stress of what to eat out of the equation. Eat Your Veggies Adding veggies to your meals, along with some protein, fats and carbohydrates allows you to have a 'nutritionally balanced' plate! If all of your meals are made up of this composition, you're on the right track to making your meals healthier. This will also decrease the amount of non 'nutritionally balanced' meals you'll be consuming at each meal. I love sneaking vegetables into my pasta sauces, dips, smoothies sometimes and definitely throughout the day as a snack.. because you can never eat too many veggies right?! Cook Your Grains Ahead Of Time This has to be one of my favourite tips because it's so useful throughout the week. I recommend you pre-cook your grains and even vegetables throughout the week, so you're not sitting there at each meal cooking all of your veggies and grains. Sometimes, I'll admit I even use those 90 second rice containers and simply pop them in the microwave to save me time! Food shouldn't be long, tedious and daunting.. Instead we're trying to minimise our decision making process and enjoy food. Water, Water, Water Drink lots of water throughout the day! If you're an energy drinker or soft drinker, try to make switches to water. Drinking more water throughout the day will not only make you feel better, it'll help your body process your food better throughout the day too.  Listen To Your Body My last tip is when you're hungry, listen to your body and eat! Don't ignore your cravings.. It's important your body gets what it wants. I'll often eat like below because I'm HUNGRY during the day! Breakfast - 7:30am Snack 1 - 10:30am Lunch - 1pm Snack 2 - 3:30pm (if I'm hungry) Dinner - 6:30pm Eating this frequently allows me to feel full and satisfied throughout the day. I suggest listening to your body throughout the day and trying to eat a good amount of food each and everyday, so you're not left starving when it comes to dinner/ night time. Eating like the above can seriously stop overeating when it comes to your main meals and it may cause your food satisfaction to go through the roof. I hope you loved this blog, if you want to see anything else in particular.. let me know! Leah xx
The Common Mistake Causing You To Overeat
The Common Mistake Causing You To Overeat
When you think of healthy and balanced living, it's easy to focus on food and exercise but there's a key missing factor that often gets over looked... SLEEP! Now before you role your eyes and say 'Leah I already know sleep is important!', hear me out.  It's incredibly easily to make sleep you're last priority, and I'm sure your aware and have felt for yourself how a lack of sleep can impact your energy. But did you know it can impact your eating??? Sleep affects your levels of leptin and ghrelin, which are two hormones that control feelings of hunger and fullness. When you don't get enough sleep, your brain reduces leptin - which tells you when you've had enough to eat - and increases ghrelin - which stimulates your appetite. The combination can result in increased hunger and therefore overeating!! Plus, it could easily explain those late night munchies. Sleep deprivation can also start a process in the body that raises the blood level of a lipid known as endocannabinoid. This has a similar impact on the brain as marijuana, by making the act of eating even more enjoyable than usual - especially in the evening! But here's the killer, it actually increases hunger for specific types of foods, such as cookies, candy, and chips!!  In fact, studies have even shown that people who don’t get enough sleep can eat twice as much fat and more than 300 extra calories the next day, compared with those who get the recommended eight hours of sleep. How crazy is that?!! It's also important to note that the less time you're a sleep, the more time you have to keep eating - it's as simple as that! So now you have all the may be thinking - 'ok Leah, I hear you! But I find it so hard to get to bed on time. What can I do?' Well my friend, I've got 5 amazing tips to helps you fit in and enjoy more sleep! Let's get into it... 1) Get clear on your why Whenever you're trying to establish a new habit, it's important to understand your reasons behind it. These reasons give you more motivation and inspiration to make the desired change happen, because you recognise the positive impact it's going to have on your life. So first and foremost, why do you want to get more sleep? How will this impact your life, your health and happiness? How will you feel when you start getting more sleep? What in yourself and in your life will improve? Take time to note these answers down in your phone or in a journal, and visualise the positive impact. 2) Go backwards If you're struggling to workout what time you need to get to be and go to sleep, the best thing you can do is FIRST work out what time you want/need to wake up, and then go backwards from there. For instance... If you need to wake up at 6am then to get 8 hours sleep you want to be asleep by 10pm.  If you know it takes you 20 minutes to fall alseep (and this doesn't include time sitting on your phone or reading), then you know you need to be in bed by 9:40pm. And if you know it takes you 15 minutes to get ready for bed then you need to start brushing your teeth and washing your face by 9:25pm. You can easily continue to work backwards from here! You may want to add time for a shower or time to wind etc but knowing these times helps to give you clarity and organise your night time activities accordingly. 3) Set night alarms Everyone knows to set a morning alarm but do you know to set a night alarm? Night alarms are great for letting you know when it time to get ready for bed and also go to sleep. For instance... You may have an alarm go off at 8:40pm letting you know you have 20 minutes left until it's time to get ready for bed - this way you can begin to wrap up anything you're doing and not feel suddenly rushed later on in the night. Then at 9:00pm you'll have a second alarm telling you it's time to get ready for bed and enjoy some wind down time e.g. reading, meditating, a nice bath etc. Finally, at 9:40pm you'll have a final alarm to tell you it's time to turn lights off, put your phone a way, get comfy in bed and close your eyes. By setting these night alarms, you don't have to keep checking the time or worry about accidentally having a late night because it's already programmed in your calendar to remind you. It's amazing how a bit of organisation can be so freeing. 4) Wind down I'm a big fan of wind down time. For me, this is key to relaxing my body and mind, and getting them ready for bed.  My favourite way to wind down is a bath. I love getting all my candles out and essential oils - lavender is perfect for preparing for bed -, and then pouring myself a nice warm bath to soak in, while listening to a guided mediation. My days can get so crazy - and I'm sure your's can too - so these 20-40 minutes are amazing!  What you do in your wind down time is completely up to you!  Simply focus on activities that will help you relax and get ready bed, such as meditation, journaling, reading, ying yoga, cuddling with your pet, spending time with your partner, drawing, having a cup of tea, listening to music etc While it's tempting, I recommend you try to not watch too much Netflix or TV, or be on your phone or laptop during this time. At night, light throws off your body's biological clock—the circadian rhythm - because it thinks it's still day time! And, therefore isn't ready for bed, which is why you may find it hard to fall asleep after spending time in front of a screen. 5) Move your body Exercise is AMAZING for sleep! Even just 20-30 minutes a day can help enjoy a more restful sleep.  I mean it makes sense, doesn't it?! When you exercise you expel energy, and therefore helps you to feel more tired and ready to rest at the end of each day.  Research also shows that regular exercise, can help to boost sleep duration and quality, as well as enable you too spend more time in deep sleep! Sounds pretty amazing hey?    So there you go! I hope all this information and tips helps you to prioritise your sleep and enjoy deeper rest. Be sure to let me know any comments you have! I love hearing from you and reading your beautiful messages. Leah xx
My Top Slow Cooker Recipes
My Top Slow Cooker Recipes
How good are slow cookers?! You just bang all the ingredients in and then just let the slow cooker do all the hard work for you. The AMAZING! Melt in your mouth amazing! And I know you all LOVE a good slow cooker recipe so... are my TOP 5 slow cooker recipes! Each one is perfect for a slow cooker BUT can also be done a pot or pan for all my last minute cookers. Let's sink our teeth into...   1. Light Creamy Chicken You HAVE to try this LIGHT creamy chicken! The amazing flavours from the fresh herbs and sun-dried tomatoes make it taste absolutely amazing. There's no surprise that this has been one of my most popular recipes.     2. Slow Cooked Soy Beef Oh my goodness - This slow cooked beef is SO soft and incredible! You'll keep eating past the point of explosion it's that good. Plus, it's a great meal prep idea. Make a whole lot and spilt it up into container.      3. Osso Buco Ah meat slow cooked in an incredible wine/tomato sauce with veggies and spices is SO GOOD! It's the BEST with some buttery mash potato....but you didn't hear that from me 😂 😜 Or also amazing with some rice! The meat is sooooo soft, it basically falls off the bone!     4. Apricot Chicken WOW! This chicken is super delicious and SO filling. I love this community recipe by @elle__maree! It was originally her mum's recipe but she added the sweet potato and chickpeas to make it more filling  - and it sure is amazing!        Try a recipe or two this week and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing your feedback! Be sure to also share your creations with me on Instagram so I can like, comment and share! Use the tag @leahitsines and hashtag #leahitsines to reach out. Leah x
Tess Robin's Amazing BARE Guide Transformation
Tess Robin's Amazing BARE Guide Transformation
Something I love about my BARE Guide is being able to help women all over the world. While some of our goals might be different (weight loss, weight gain, maintenance) we also have many goals that are similar, one of which is to learn how to eat healthy, for life and actually FEEL HEALTHY. This transformation story I'm sharing with you today is about how Tess Robin stopped focusing on a certain goal (weight - loss) and started focusing on how she actually FELT! "LEFT: at the end of another flare-up from my Ulcerative Colitis which took about 3 months on an off.  RIGHT: In remission. Recent picture of me feeling the healthiest I’ve EVER felt in my life!! Trust me that’s a HUGE thing for me. If you’ve followed me since the beginning, then you know my one and only goal is to FEEL HEALTHY. Not to lose a certain amount of weight etc.My journey started in 2015 after being diagnosed with an autoimmunes disease. Over the years, through researching, trial and error, exercising with #bbg and #pwr, a LOT of physical therapy for my weak joints, I have come such a long way with achieving my goals.BUT I never (really) gave my relationship with food an actual change. Since I can remember I have had a terrible, negative relationship with food. Not because of weight issues or appearance but I just didn’t like eating or the fulfilled feeling. I did like binging on potato chips every night though.. When @leahitsines asked me to try out her BARE Guide I knew I couldn't say no! I mean, it’s Leah!! But also the concept and flexibility really spoke to me. As well as the message behind it; Balanced And Realistic Eating🌱. Which was exactly what I was looking for, I just didn’t know how..I started eating from the BARE Guide in February (left pic) right at the end of my flare-up and it was literally the best gift for my health! I haven’t seen a hospital since. I bounce back more easily after stressfull times, I have less migraine episodes, less bloating and less stomach issues from my UC! I have learned more on what my intolerances are and I have way more energy. Also looking back now, my relationship with food has became so much better!In short, if you want to choose health, energy, peace of mind, but also burgers and pizza 🙈 over measuring every bite or feeling drained and low in energy, I suggest to join the #barecommunity and change your life! Just like I did ❤️THANK YOU @leahitsines for changing my life! 💕 If you have any BARE Guide transformations you would like to share with me, please email it to
5 Rules To Building A Nourishing Meal
5 Rules To Building A Nourishing Meal
Sometimes healthy eating can feel SO overwhelming! How many times have you stood in the kitchen and thought, 'What can I make that's easy, healthy and tastes good?" And felt stuck! This is when I like to go back to basics and follow my rule of 5 to creating a nourishing meal. These 5 rules simplify EVERYTHING!! They're my pillars to enjoying not only healthy but also delicious and easy meals. So next time you get stuck, come back to this. There's no more stress or overwhelm when you follow the rule of 5. YAY! And if you need more help with portion sizes and ideas be sure to check out my blog post; Your Guide to Portion & Size Control. So let's get into it... 1) Choose your protein When it comes to fuelling your body, protein plays a crucial role. It's helps you build and repair muscle, ensures your organs function properly, strengthens your hair and nails, and promotes clear skin! What more could you want?? Protein is incredibly important for your energy levels and physical strength, and with out it your body can slow right down. 25% of your meal should be dedicated to a nourishing form of protein. I'm talking read meat, black beans, eggs, tofu or chicken! 2) Add your vegetables  I LOVE veggies - they are so versatile! Plus, they are a super important part of living a happy and healthy life. Vegetables are big sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. Building up your plate with fresh and cooked veggies also adds variety and flavour to your meal. For instance, pairing fresh baby spinach and roasted beetroot gives you this delicious salad! You want to aim for 50% of your plate to be covered by fresh and/or cooked veggies! 3) Pick your complex carbs Let's make this very clear!! Carbs are NOT bad for you. Your body needs carbs for energy - the key is to choose HEALTHIER, slow-burning complex carbs, instead of avoiding them all together. Typically, Complex carbs are less refined and will give longer, more sustained energy - compared to simple carbs, which will give you a quick spike in energy levels e.g. table sugar, doughnuts, syrups and sugary cereals. You want 25% of your meal to be packed with complex carbs, which include a variety of fruit, vegetables and grains, such as sweet potato, brown rice, oats and quinoa.  4) Don't forget your fat Fat can be scary word but it's very misunderstood. Over the years, you have probably been told how 'bad' fat is for your body but this isn't the case! Fat has many important functions, including stabilising your mood and energy levels.  The thing to understand is that not all fats are created equal. Saturated fats and trans fats are not great for your health and commonly found in deep fried fast foods and packages or processed foods.  What you want are polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats - conveniently found in plant-based foods and fish, including nuts, seeds, good oils e.g. olive oil, avocado and fish. You need a smaller amount of fat than every other part of your meal so be sure check out my blog post - Your Guide to Portion & Size Control - for correct portion sizes! 5) Don't skip on the flavour Now that you've chosen all your key components, it's time to make your meal SUPER delicious.  Herbs and spices are the key to making any meal taste amazing! I can't create a meal without them. Roast your veggies with salt and pepper, marinate your beef with chilli and coriander, cook your quinoa in veggie stock, bake your chicken with lemon juice, add garlic to your salad dressing. It's these added steps that will make all the difference.  No one likes eating a bland healthy meals! You want to eat mouth-watering healthy meals, so don't skip this rule.     HOW TO PUT IT ALL TOGETHER My favourite and simplest way to apply all the rules is to create a nourishing bowl. Now this is just one way to create a balanced meal! There are so many ways to apply the rule of 5 and I'll always encourage you to get creative. BUT for those of you who are questioning how to get started and combine the rules...this is the perfect place to start! Creating a nourishing bowl is as easy as 1 2 3... 1. Choose one protein, one fresh veg, one cooked veg, one complex carb and one fat.  2. Cook the ingredients that need cooking and don't forget to add your choice of herbs and spices. 3. Combine all your ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!! How easy is that! And if you need a recipe for even more inspiration... ...then my Quinoa Fried Rice is the perfect example of a nourishing bowl - just add some tofu or chicken in there for your protein and you're all set!   Try out my rule of 5 this week and let you know what you think via Instagram @leahitsines. I loving seeing and sharing all your AMAZING creations! Happy cooking, Leah x