What I Eat In A Day
on November 13, 2018

What I Eat In A Day

If there's one thing I get a lot of requests for it's what I eat in a day! And because I'm all about giving you what you want I thought today I would walk you through my meals for the day.

But first a warning...

Like every human on this planet, my tastes, cravings and needs change weekly (if not daily). I'm really big on listening to my body and naturally this means, what I eat in day is ALWAYS changing!

However, I do have a few go to favourites that keep me nourished, full and most importantly HAPPY!!

So here is my what I eat in a day - packed full with my healthy and easy favourites from breakfast to dessert.

I hope this gives you plenty of foodie inspiration, enjoy!


You've probably heard me preach about the importance of breakfast and that's because I LOVE starting my day with a nice big breakfast and it's really sets me up for everything ahead.

During the day, I'm busy working and running around so I often need a really quick lunch BUT breakfast is my time to sit and enjoy before rushing into everything. 

  1. My favourite is a big plate of toast, avocado and eggs with a nice Leah size pinch of salt & pepper! Yum, yum and more yum. If I have a little more time then I'll do the full spread and whip up my Eggs On Toast With Roasted Tomatoes from my BARE eBook.
  2. If I am a bit pressed for time then I love the convenience of over night oats. They're so just so tasty and filling but crazy quick. I love my Chocolate Overnight Oats!!
  3. I'll also happily tuck into a smoothie bowl - which I actually devoured this morning! - even though I have bad habit of eating all the muesli and fruit off the top and then leaving the rest...haha but I enjoy it! My favourite smoothie bowl is by far Banana & Strawberry with my Toasted Muesli. Both recipes are also in my BARE eBook!


Bare Smoothie Bowl



As I said above, I'm usually cramming lunch into my busy day. There's not a lot of time to stop so I always opt for something that's easy and quick to whip up. 

    1. I love a good wrap! Salad, chicken, a bit of hummus and I've got one happy tummy. This is my favourite lunch go-to because I can easily grab all the ingredients from the fridge and roll them up in a pitta. I love my Chicken and Turkey Wraps, or my Roast Veggie Wraps. talk about AMAZING! All of these recipes are in my BARE eBook, which you can probably tell right now is my go to for food inspiration.
    2. If you've been following me for a while you would know I LOVE a good meal prep. It's just sooo easy and means I don't have to worry about what to make - yep! Even I get cooking brain fatigue - My favourite is definitely Meatballs with Broccoli and Rice!


Bare turkey and chicken wrap



This is by far HANDS DOWN my favourite meal of the day. I love love LOVE dinner and having some time to just chill out. Often after dinner it's back to the office so this is definitely my time.

    1. You're probably aware that I'm a little obsessed with pasta, and after a long day, I love tucking into a big bowl of Napoletana Penne or Puttanesca with Read Sauce. It's so comforting and fulfilling - I could never live without pasta!
    2. Growing up in a Greek family means I'm naturally a big fan of a good yiros. Similar to a wrap, they're just so quick to put together but incredibly tasty and filling at the same time. Plus, a yiros doesn't have to be unhealthy. It's so easy to make as an healthy alternative just like my AMAZING Lamb Yiros in BARE.
    3. I've love salmon and will easily eat this most nights of the week with steamed veggies or a nice big salad. Salmon is perfect when you're craving something light and refreshing but also want to be left full. Plus, it's packed with goodness! I love my Moroccan Salmon and Lemon Salmon recipes. 


lamb yiros bare


Well there you have it - what I eat in a day. Now I realise I didn't get into snacks but that's because I'm often snacking and trying all the different recipes I'm creating through out the day BUT for snack inspiration definitely check out this blog post!

Try a recipe or two this week and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing your feedback! Be sure to also share your creations with me on Instagram so I can like, comment and share! Use the tag @leahitsines and hashtag #leahitsines to reach out.

Leah x

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