This is so so so delicious - and so easy to make! My favourite recipes are the ones you can just throw in a bowl, mix and leave to do its thing!
Makes 2 containers
2/3 cup greek yoghurt
1 1/4 cups rolled oats
1 cup Almond milk (or milk of your choice!)
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
4 tbsp. Peanut butter
3 tbsp. raw cacoa powder
3 tbsp. Maple Syrup
2 tbsp. Chia seeds
- Add all ingredients into a bowl and mix throughly. I used a whisk to seperate the peanut butter, but any stirring utensil will do!
- Spoon the mixture into easy take to work containers. This meal can also be warmed up in the microwave, so if you're wanting a warm brekky...make sure the container is microwave safe :)
- Leave in the fridge overnight to soak.
Hope you LOVE this! It's such an easy take to work meal - so no excuses to skip breakfast now!