We've all heard of Meat Free Monday's and I honestly think it's quite nice to take a break from eating meat all the time.
Sometimes there's nothing better than a Veggie packed pasta or even a delicious salad.. Mmm if you couldn't tell, I'm currently craving vegetables.
Here are My Top 10 Quick & Easy Veggie Meals in case you need some inspiration.
This is a super easy veggie loaded version of bolognese. I've added heaps of mushrooms and brown lentils so it's packed with protein to keep you energised and full. The batch is quite big but it's perfect to freeze for leftovers!
You'll never want to eat canned baked beans again, after you try this bomb recipe! This is such a great vegan option for brekky. It's super quick and easy, plus it lasts in the fridge for up to 4 days. Winning!
If you're looking for a recipe packed with flavour or want to try new veggies but don't know how to cook them then this is the recipe for you! This stir fry is SO easy, so quick and sooooo delicious! What more could you want?
This #vegan curry is hands down INCREDIBLE! It's perfectly light but creamy and the massaman curry paste makes the flavours pop.
These sausage rolls are the perfect party nibble because everybody will LOVE them! They're so so so easy to make but also packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals because mushrooms are super good for your health. It's a win win situation! For this recipe, I mixed button mushrooms through with delicious pumpkin (to give a little sweetness) and yummy spices so there's heaps of flavour.
Everyone loves a good meal prep - so here is an incredible VEGAN one! I've packed this recipe with beans, rice and sweet potato to keep your tummy nice and full. Meal prepping makes your life SO much easier, and guarantees you can enjoy a nourishing meal even on those crazy days.
Cold rolls are SUPER easy and SO good for a healthy lunch! The best thing about them is that they're packed with loads of veggies, noodles, and whatever protein you want. The combinations are endless!
How great is sweet potato? And how amazing are pies?! Well just imagine what this how insane this combo is going to taste. It's loaded with veggies and a great warming dish for those colder nights.
Are you a vegan who is over missing out on potato salad because it's DROWNED in thick cream or do just occasionally crave something lighter? Well this is the potato salad for you! It's super easy, super yummy and will hit your potato craving on the head!
I have to finish this post with a good vegan dessert! Because let's face it just because you're vegan or lactose-free doesn't mean you don't love you sweets. This Apple and Granola Crumble is SO DELICIOUS! Simply serve it with coconut yoghurt or vegan ice cream (There are so many good options!) and you're good to go.
Try a recipe or two this week and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing your feedback! Be sure to also share your creations with me on Instagram so I can like, comment and share! Use the tag @leahitsines and hashtag #leahitsines to reach out.
Leah x