Mums Creamy Potato Bake

Potatoes are seriously AMAZING! Not only are they the most versatile veggie but you just can't have a bad potato meal - right!! 

This is my mums Crazy potato bake, and while it's all gooey and delicious, it's defiantly something that's always at our family events (no matter the weather!). It's going to be a popular one this christmas, I can't wait! 

Heres the recipe. 

Serves 6
Cook time: 1 hour 
Prep time: 20 minutes

6 rashers bacon, sliced thinly
1kg white potatoes, sliced in thin rounds (around 10 medium)
1 medium onion, finely sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
600ml thickened cream 
1 cup of  shredded mozzarella cheese

Olive oil, for cooking
Salt and pepper, for cooking
Paprika to sprinkle


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. In a large non-stick pan, heat olive oil over a medium to high heat.
  3. Add bacon, onion and garlic into the pan and cook for 5-7 minutes, until bacon is cooked and onion is translucent.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, add potatoes, 1 cup of cheese, cream and bacon mixture. Mix to combine.
  5. Place this mixture into a deep baking tray and sprinkle the paprika on top. 
  6. Cover with alfoil and place into the oven for 1 hour. Remove alfoil after the first 30 and place back into the oven for the remaining 30. 
  7. Allow to slightly cool and 'set' before serving. 

Tip: Place your sliced potatoes into the dish that you are wanting to use before to ensure you have enough!