Hey everybody! We are SOOOOOO excited to bring you this BRAND NEW BARE GUIDE!
Firstly, you guys know how obsessed I am with food, health and creating delicious recipes, it’s my bread and butter (pun intended) haha so for me, this BARE guide is a long time coming!
We have so many beautiful new parents within the BARE community, however I didn’t want to create a guide without having first hand experience when it comes to pregnancy - purely because I didn't want to give you a basic do's and dont's list - I wanted to truely write from experience and my heart to give you a truthful and accurate reflection on the realties of pregnancy.
This guide is much more than a ‘what you should do’ list, but a true accurate reflection of the realities of pregnancy. After falling pregnant and looking at what I needed to do/eat/avoid to give my child the best, it became overwhelming and felt almost unrealistic with my morning (or all day!) sickness.
So, writing this guide has been an incredible experience I felt really connected and passionate about - because i was really living what I was writing! I have some incredible resources for you (check out that line up above!) and I really hope this guide can help you now, and far into the future.
ANYWAYS... Let's get into the nitty grittys!
What does BARE Pregnancy Include?
Can you use the recipes in Pregnancy BARE if you're not pregnant?
Absolutely! All the recipes within the guide have been created to be family friendly so everyone can enjoy them.
What is the cost of Pregnancy BARE?
Pregnancy BARE costs $59.97 with all previous BARE guide purchasers receiving 10% off.
How do I access my Pregnancy BARE Guide?
You can access your Pregnancy BARE guide via the BARE Guides tab on your web portal. If you do not already have an account with us you will be sent a link to access your web portal after making your purchase.
Who created Pregnancy BARE?
Pregnancy BARE has been written in collaboration with our incredible BARE Dietitian (Brittany) and our newest APD & Certified Fertility and Prenatal Dietitian Aleisha. We teamed up with the best to give you a true, realistic approach to pregnancy while giving you the tools and guidelines to feel and eat your absolute best. Both Brittany and Aleisha are super excited to support you through this journey.
How many recipes are included in Pregnancy BARE?
Pregnancy BARE includes 60+ NEW exclusive recipes to BARE Pregnancy, designed to have you feeling your best in each trimester based on needs.
Can I see a contents page and list of recipes?
Absolutely! Check out the below.

I have a health condition. Is the guide suitable for me?
As every pregnancy is different we suggest discussing if this guide will be suitable for you with your healthcare professionals. If you have any specific questions about the Pregnancy BARE Guide please reach out to our team via our help center.
I have gestational diabetes. Is this guide suitable for me?
As every individual is different we have not specifically tailored the recipes for those that have gestational diabetes. However, if you have been recommended to monitor your carbohydrate intake we have done some of this work for you, for each of the recipes within the guide you will see that we have provided the approximate carbohydrate content for one serving. Please use this as a guide, as our nutritional analysis is based on ‘generic’ ingredients which may vary from the ingredients that you buy for the recipes.