Yiayia’s Koulouria
on May 26, 2021

Yiayia’s Koulouria

HEY YALL! Back at it again with a killleerrrr yiayia recipe - her delicious Koulouria! These are so yummy and perfect with a little cup of greek coffee (a must have at yiayias place!)

Alright, here we go! 

Cook time:  

4 ¼ cups self raising flour
6 tablespoons cornflour
3 teaspoons vanilla sugar

4 medium eggs
250g unsalted butter (melted)
60ml milk
1 cup white sugar

4 teaspoons baking powder

Egg Glaze
1 egg (beaten) 


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius. 
  2. Sift together self raising flour, cornflour, and vanilla sugar in a large mixing bowl. 
  3. Separate egg yolks and egg whites into separate bowls and set aside. 
  4. Add butter and sugar to a mixer and beat on medium for 2 mins
  5. Add egg yolks and continue beating until they look light and fluffy. Add milk and combine. 
  6. In a separate bowl add egg whites and beat until a meringue like consistency
  7. Turn your mixer to a lower speed and slowly add egg white mixture to the butter and sugar mix. 
  8. Change your attachment to a dough hook, add baking powder and the other dry ingredients. *Add flour slowly as you might need more or less depending on your egg size.
  9. Turn off mixer and knead in bowl adding more flour (if needed) as you go. (Your dough should be soft and not too sticky)
  10. Cover with cling wrap and leave for 20 mins before making your koulourakia.
  11. Working on a clean dry surface, take a little dough and roll into long sausages. This is when your imagination can come into play! Twist into braids, make circles or even into the letter S.
  12. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place your koulourakia leaving distance between each one. They do rise when cooking (not a lot, but they do expand). 
  13. Brush with egg glaze and place in oven for around 20 minutes rotating the trays halfway. Cool Koulourakia on wire rack completely before storing in an air tight container.

Hope you guys LOVED this recipe!! Let me know how you go :) 

Love, Leah xx 

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