Bacon & Egg Bites
on August 04, 2018

Bacon & Egg Bites

How simple are these? Quick grab and go breakfast to make your life a little easier :) 
Makes: 12 muffins
12 eggs
120g short cut bacon
24 basil leaves
generous pinch of pepper
generous pinch of salt
2 tbsp parmesan cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk.
  3. Add parmesan, salt & pepper to the bowl and mix thoroughly. 
  4. Heat a splash of olive oil on a non-stick pan, over medium heat. 
  5. Cut bacon in to long thin strips and then cook bacon for 4-5 minutes on the pan, until slightly crispy. 
  6. Spray a muffin tin with olive oil (this will avoid anything sticking). 
  7. Divide bacon equally between the 12 muffin tins, then divide egg mixture equally between the 12 muffin tins.
  8. Sprinkle a pinch of pepper over each muffin tin and place 2-3 basil leaves in each tin.
  9. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes
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