Pavlova is one of those cakes that we love to eat as Aussies, but – who wants to make it?! It typically is a very delicate, very tough cake to crack but in the Air-fryer it makes it SO easy and the everyday non-baker can do it!
I know everytime I say "this is my favourite thing to air fry" I come up with something 5 minutes later to also air-fry....but this is NOW MY FAVE THING TO AIR FRY! Pavlova?! Are we seeeerious?! YUM! Typically you'd think that you can only make savoury things in the airfryer, but sweets work PERFECT! Muffins, cookies, pavlova even....SO GOOD! I made one big one, but you can make little baby ones too! I have the philips XXL airfryer with the smart sense technology (bigger is always better with airfryers if you're wondering!) and I'm obsessed with it (clearly haha). Alright, off to eat this cake!! #philipshomeliving #PhilipsAirfryerXXL#Ad
Here we go!
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time:
Serves: 8
- 4 egg whites
- 1 cup caster sugar
- 2 tsp corn flour
- 1 tsp vinegar
2 tsp vanilla essence
Extras (for topping) - Whipped cream
- Fruit (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, kiwifruit, passionfruit pulp)
- Crack egg whites into a large mixing bowl, and store the egg yolks (for another recipe, you won’t need these now).
- Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites on a high setting until soft peaks form. You want to be able to move the bowl around and the egg whites do not move, that’s when you know it’s ready to move onto the next step.
- Still beating the eggs, slowly sprinkle the sugar in. Once you are finished with the sugar, beat in the corn flour, vinegar and vanilla essence.
- Line the Airfryer basket with either a silicone mold or some baking paper, ensuring the baking paper is cut only to be placed on the bottom.
- Spoon the Pavlova mixture onto the bottom of the Airfryer basket (this should be a really thick mixture, easy to spread). Shape into a round cake, or make little pavlovas!
- Close the Arifryer basket and place on 150 degrees for 20 minutes. Once finished, slightly open the Airfryer basket and leave to completely cool.
- Top with your favourite fruits! First layer with some whipped cream, and then place as many berries and fruit as you like on top, making it a beautiful, colourful delicious dessert!
YUM! Try. this and let me know how you go!!
Love, Leah x